The Blood Is Not Done
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 10:1-48, 11:1-18

  1. Follow up from last week: Share any rhythms or routines you are establishing this semester for personal intimacy with Jesus and keeping your focus on people.
  2. Where are you blind in your bend towards superiority? Think about situations within your spheres of influence where cultural or belief differences come into play.
  3. Who is it that it is unbearable for you to go to that space of unconditional love for? What can you do for them this week?
  4. Where have you not been in agreement with God’s global plan of His glory going out to all nations? How will you (or do you) leverage your time, money, and resources towards all Nations knowing the message of salvation?
  5. Take a moment to pray about the area of shame that you are carrying. (Allow opportunity for individuals to share. Spend time allowing members of the group to speak truth into the lie that that person is believing.)
  6. Challenge: Set an alarm for a specific time each day this week to stop and pray.