The Prodigal Son
Miles Fidell

Read: Luke 15:11-321.  

1. What was your greatest takeaway from this week’s sermon?

2. In your current season, do you relate more to the older brother’s bitterness and disillusionment or the younger brothers worldly living?

3. How does understanding the nature of God’s heart help us to avoid becoming like the older or younger brother?

4. How have you allowed Gods true nature to soften your heart lately?

5. What is distracting you from the Lord?

6. What lies are you believing about the heart of the Father that convince you He is not gentle and tender towards you?


7.  “When we fail to delight in the love of our father, we will become enslaved to sinful desires or enslaved to our own bitterness”

8. What characteristics of the father from the parable stand out most to you? How is our Heavenly Father similar?

9. In verse 31 the father tells the older son “you are always with me.” He is wondering when their relationship stopped being enough for his son. Do you relate to this in your relationship with the Lord?

10. What will it take for you to “go to the party” and enjoy the Father’s love rather than being jealous or disappointed?