how we plan to fulfill the great Commission as a church.
Compassion international
Auburn Community Church is honored to partner with Compassion International! Compassion’s mission is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. When you sponsor a child, you donate $45 a month to provide for a child’s physical, spiritual, social, and educational needs in the context of a local church project. The sponsorship program encourages healthy development for the child that ultimately impacts the entire family and community.​
Our Heart
3.2 billion people do not have access to hear about Jesus or experience the life he died and rose for us to live. Only 3% of workers and 1% of finances given to “missions” goes towards the unreached. As a church family, we want to see healthy laborers sent long-term to the unreached.
What We Believe About Global
Taken from our Make Disciples series back in Fall of 2022, Lead Pastor, Miles Fidell, speaks on the Great Commission and our role in it.
Our pipeline
This is our process for helping our people be formed into the image of Jesus, while learning to make disciples here and then to the ends of the Earth.
Mission of God
Mission of God is a 7 week formational course about God’s heart for all nations and the ways He invites us to be involved! This is a GREAT first step and open to anyone in our church family.

This event is offered every Fall. Check back in August for registration details!
Global Group
Global Groups are 10 week formational groups that seek to glorify God by making disciples of all nations, starting here in our city! If we do not know how to live missionally here first, we will not be effective disciple makers overseas. Our hope for Global Group for you to build habits that will empower you to live missionally for a lifetime. Each week involves:
- Weekly meeting with your team
- Time with the lost
- Corporate prayer
We need a team of financial supporters and prayer warriors to support our long-term goers! If you are interested in financially supporting or being part of a goer care group, please fill out this form
Going: Go Group
Go Group is a 9 month formational training at ACC for those interested in going long-term to the unreached in the next 1-3 years. Contact the Global Team for more information and to access the application.
Stratus is a resource to visually show the current status of the world and where we are at in terms of fulfilling the Great Commission.
A resource that updates daily, highlighting a new people group each day that has little to no access to the gospel. The purpose is to help fuel your prayer life as you engage with the unreached around the world.