Spiritual Fatherhood
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 6:1-7

  1. What from the passage stood out to you the most?
  2. In which areas of your mind, body, and spirit are you comprtmentalizing your spirituality?
  3. What of the three come more natural to you and which ones do you need to grow in?
  4. DISCUSS: "Distant fathers are distracted with duty. Spiritual fathers are present with delight."
  5. How does this idea resonate with your own experiences from your father-figure relationships?
  6. In what areas could you step into more ownership in for the body of Christ?

Additional Questions for Fathers:

  1. What are some potential consequences when fathers become distant or overly consumed by their duties, as opposed to being present and engaged?
  2. In what ways can you extend the concept of spiritual fatherhood to other relationships, such as mentorship, beyond the traditional father-child dynamic?