Fools for Christ's Sake
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 26:12-29; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

  1. Where might you be stubbornly "kicking against the goads” and attempting to control things that are better left to Jesus?
  2. There are 5 movements that occur when you become a follower of Jesus:
    1. Darkness -> Light
    2. Satan -> God
    3. Guilty -> Forgiven
    4. Orphans -> Adopted
    5. Religion -> Faith
    6. Reflect on the ways in which the Lord has accomplished these changes in your life. What impact have they had? Which one challenges or encourages you the most?
  3. Spend some time in 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 as a group
    1. What does this text say about God?
    2. What does this text say about man?
    3. What does this text say about obedience?
    4. How should we live in light of this text?

CHALLENGE: Write down names of people who don’t know Jesus where you:

Live: neighborhood, apartment complex, roommates, etc.
⁃ Work: Coworkers, classmates, professors, study group, etc.
⁃ Play: Gym, campus orgs, playground, coffee shop, golf course, etc.
-       Spend a few minutes in silence and ask the Holy Spirit, “Who do You want me to pursue this week?”

As you enter this week, try one of these habits to grow in witnessing:
⁃ Initiate a spiritual conversation with at least one of these people.
⁃ Invite a lost person to your house to share a meal with you.
⁃ Offer to pray with a lost person.