The Lord's Prayer
Miles Fidell

READ: Luke 11: 1-13

  1. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon?
  2. What did you learn from how Jesus prays in Luke 11:1-13?
  3. DISCUSS: “Without prayer we will become inflated with selfish ego and deflated of spiritual energy.”
    1. When you find yourself spiritually depleted where do you find yourself trying to get insufficient strength from?
      1. What is something you can do to change this pattern?
  4. “You have as much of God as you are willing to make room for.” How are you making room for God in your life?
  5. DISCUSS: “Prayer is more about presence than substance.”
    1. Is this something that is hard for you to believe
  6. In your groups discuss, which of these do you feel is missing in your prayer life:
    1. Be centered on the kingdom of God
    2. Be secured in the love of the Father
    3. Be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit
  7. What is one step you can take to improve your prayer life this week?