Get Up and Praise the Lord
Brad Jones

Read: Acts 14:1-28; Acts 16:1-2; 1 Corinthians 16:8-9: 2 Timothy 3:10-16

  1. Follow up from last week: has there been any additional thoughts or insights from last week's King Jesus Gospel? How has that reshaped your meaning of your theology or even your life?
  2. Share a time when you faced opposition or difficulty but chose to persevere in spite of it. What motivated you to keep going? What were the results?
  3. Discuss: "You can be in the arena, but not participating in the game."
    1. In what ways is God challenging you to go from an attendee of life with him to an active participant in the spiritual life and mission of God?
  4. In Acts 14:12-20 we see the crowds go from literally worshipping Paul and Barnabas for the work of God through them, to in one verse, verse 19, the crowd turns on Paul and attempt to stone him to the point of death. How does Paul and Barnabas response to the crowds encourage you? How do the crowds responses challenge your views on where you receive identity and affirmation?
  5. What does it look like for you to set an example of faithfulness in your circle of influence?
  6. Who are people in your life who have modeled Christ well? What about them / their life represents Christ well?
  7. What’s the center of your life? (Be honest with yourself, what consumes the majority of your thoughts? Where do you find identity? Where do you find worth?)
  8. How can your community hold you accountable in keeping Jesus at the center of your life?

Challenge: Who in your group needs to be encircled, similar to how the disciples gathered around Paul? What’s an active step you can take towards that? Spend time in prayer for them as a group.