Counter-Cultural Formation
Miles Fidell
ACC Is...

Read: Ephesians 4:11-24; Romans 12:1-2; John 14:6

  1. What was something that stood out to you from the sermon?
  2. What do you feel hesitant to give up to fully step into transforming to be more like Jesus?
  3. Membership is having a part to play. How do you think God has gifted you to play a specific role as a member of the church?
  4. DISCUSS: To form resilient desires we must practice a new way of life rooted in scripture.”

             a. What does resiliency look like to you?

       5. What are you going to do this week to practice living the way Jesus did?

              a. DISCUSS some of the ways Jesus lived.

       6. The three enemies of your soul are the devil, yourself, and the world. In which ways are you deceived by these three enemies?

       7. Read 2 Corinthians 3:18. How have you already seen the Lord transform your life and how do you hope to see Him transform your life?