The Ascension
Gage Henry

SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:50-53; John 15:11

Q1 — How do you define joy? What’s the difference between earthly happiness and heavenly joy?

Q2 — What are the spiritual implications of the physical reality of the ascension?DISCUSS: — “The ascension is not just Jesus going back to heaven. The ascension is Jesus ushering heaven in through a new humanity.”

Q3 — What have you made “off limits” to Jesus?

Q4 — Who occupies the seat of your soul?Q5 — What does it look like for Jesus to rule and reign in your life?Q5 — (SEE STAGES OF FAITH DIAGRAM) Which stage are you at? How have you learned more about yourself and Jesus through the wall?

Q5 — The joy we want to experience is through our deepest pain. Where do you need to go?

"As ascended Lord he is spreading the gospel and building up his church by working in the hearts of people while he guides all the events of history toward a glorious end."-Tim Keller

"You ascended from before our eyes and we turned back grieving, only to find you in our hearts."-St. Augustine

"Many of us have become extremely skillful in arranging our lives so as to admit the truth of Christianity without being embarrassed by its implications." - A.W. Tozier