Closed Doors and Unmet Expectations
Miles Fidell
  1. Icebreaker: rewind your life 5-10 years. Does your life look anything like you expected? What sticks out as something that surprises you or you "never would've guessed" would be your life?
  2. How do you typically handle closed doors or unmet expectations in your daily life? Reflecting on Acts 16:6-8, how do you think Paul and his companions felt being repeatedly stopped by the Holy Spirit? How did they respond?
  3. The idea of a God who "makes a way" but sometimes also "gets in the way" can be perplexing. Have you ever felt God was “getting in your way"? Share your experience.
  4. How does Lydia's response and hospitality, and support of Paul illustrate the work of the Holy Spirit? How can hospitality and service be a marker of the Spirit's work in our own lives?
  5. How can we ensure that disappointments and setbacks don't cause us to disengage from bold faith or close ourselves off emotionally and spiritually? What are the biggest lies the enemy has tried to use in your story to have you disengage? Spend some time encouraging each other with Biblical Truth.
  6. Discuss the three filters for wisdom and discernment shared in the sermon (Spirit's leading, Scripture, wise counsel). Which of these do you lean on the most and why?

This week, focus on deepening your wisdom and discernment through these three spiritual practices:

Scripture Reading: Choose a Proverb each day as part of your reading and reflect on its teachings. The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom that can be applied to everyday situations.

Community: Identify someone in your life whom you view as wise and spiritually mature. Ask for an opportunity to seek their wisdom. If your unable to identify a natural connection, pray that God would provide a relationship in that way.

Prayer: Dedicate time each day to seek the Holy Spirit's leading, asking God to grant you wisdom in your decisions and clarity in discerning His will.