Growing a Godly Family
Miles Fidell
Church on Fire

Read: Acts 2:40-47

Follow-Up from Last Week: Share stories of celebration or struggle from last week’s challenge.

  1. What are some challenges families face in prioritizing the pursuit of a godly family?
  2. Which of the 4 practices do you think will be the easiest to compromise for you and why? What boundaries can you put in place to not compromise those
    1. Teaching God’s Word
    2. Fellowship with Believers
    3. Meals with Intentionality
    4. Devotion to Prayer
  3. Do you know how to stand in awe of God?
  4. How are you fighting for Christ-exalting worship in your family?
  5. How are you actively fighting against familiarity and forgetfulness in order to remain in awe of God?

CHALLENGE: How will you own the table this week? - Invite someone to your table and have an intentional conversation about their life and faith.