A Church on Fire
Miles Fidell
Church on Fire

Read: Acts 11:19-30

  1. Follow-up from last week: Were you able to set an alarm for a specific time each day this week to stop and pray? How did it go? What went well? What was difficult?
  2. Where have you seen the grace of God in your life recently? Share stories of the Lord’s faithfulness.
  3. Discuss: “Moments can change your life, but choices create your future”
  4. What spiritual disciplines have you or your family adopted? What has been your experience with them? If you are not currently practicing any, what disciplines do you plan to start practicing? (Examples: Sabbath, Fasting, Prayer, Silence & Solitude, Generosity, etc.) Resource: https://practicingthewayarchives.org
  5. Do you know your spiritual gifts? (It is ok if not, we will dive deep into spiritual gifts on October 8th) Resource: Convergence by Jon Thompson
  6. Prepare for next week: Read Acts 12:1-19. What did this passage reveal to you about God? About Man? About Obedience?