Multi-Generational Family
Miles Fidell
ACC Is...

“Before starting, let me pray for us."

SCRIPTURE: Luke 4:16-21; Matthew 10:5-8; Matthew 9:35-38

Q1 — The Core Convictions of ACC are:
1. The Presence of God
2. Jesus-Centered Zeal
3. Counter-Cultural Formation
4. Tender-Hearted Compassion
5. Multi-Generational Family

Reflect on these core convictions. Which one of these is the hardest for you to experienceor practice?

Q2 — What parts of your God-given identity do you have trouble believing?

Q3 — “The price of community is the sacrifice of commitment.”  What distractions keep you from stepping into community? What commitments are you struggling to surrender?

Q4 — Based on what we learned about family norms, what ways have your family norms shaped you? Open up this time to discuss your family norms.

Q5 — Intentional space for vulnerability. How can you as a group create space for vulnerability to be the norm? Describe a space where you feel you can be vulnerable.

Q6 — Hard conversations with humility. What are some family norms that you think are healthy that you would like to continue practicing? What are some that are unhealthy that you need to break out of?

Q7 — Future generations impacted by unity. Take this time to pray over your family and your future family.