Living in Fear and Courage
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 9:19-31

  1. Encouragement: Who did you encourage and how did it go?
  2. DISCUSS: “Create rhythms in your life that increase your awareness of God’s holiness.”
  3. DISCUSS: “Create reminders in your life that increase your awareness of God’s presence.”
  4. What daily, weekly, and monthly rhythms you are putting into place this semester to cultivate your awareness of these two things?
  5. Are there any things in your/your family’s schedules that need to be added or subtracted to cultivate these rhythms?
  6. Challenge: Take time this week with your spouse or community and write these rhythms down.
  7. Resources for further study:
    1. The Intentional Year: Simple Rhythms for Finding Freedom, Peace, and Purpose https://a.co/d/9AS4gds
    2. The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction https://a.co/d/fqKFDRb
    3. Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms https://a.co/d/hMOPzuW