Luke: The Invitation of Jesus
The Rich Young Ruler
The Rich Young Ruler
Miles Fidell

Read: Luke 18:18-30

DISCUSS: “The Rich Young Ruler's ability to receive the grace of God was connected to his willingness to release his attachment to worldly things."

  • What attachment must be surrendered for you to receive Jesus to the fullest?
  • Are you both converted (i believe it) and surrendered? If not, why do you think that is?

DISCUSS: “You can't treasure Jesus if your hands are full"

  • How can you remember to treasure the glory of Jesus when your attachments begin to take your attention?

DISCUSS: “The difference between resonance and obedience- obedience is fueled by surrender"

  • Do you tend to obey by following the rules or obey by surrendering?

DISCUSS: “Surrendering simplifies your life and clarifies your purpose"

  • What practical steps do you need to take to fully surrender?
  • Does exalting and enjoying Jesus sound like your version of eternal life?

DISCUSS: “The invitation is not die and lose everything; it's die and lose everything, live and gain even more."

How do you delight in the Lord?